I wrote this paper years ago and figured I'd post it after bringing the topic up in my last post...
A martial artist’s need for flexibility to improve technique and reduce the risk of injury is well known. However, not as well known is the martial arts instructor’s need for a different kind of flexibility. This flexibility involves adapting their instructing style to match the learning style of the students. In martial arts schools across the country and around the world you will see groups of uniformly dressed students executing techniques in what seems to be exactly the same way, but what’s going on in the mind of the individual students can be completely different.
For years, educators have known of the theory of multiple intelligences, which states that individuals have a dominant method or methods of learning and if teachers were to favor some methods over others, then some students would be left behind. These students would be deemed “slow” or “stupid”, but the facts would show that it is the teacher who is at fault due to non-flexibility in their teaching style. In his book “Multiple Intelligences: The Theory in Practice”, Harvard University’s Dr. Howard Gardner defines the seven intelligences as: musical, bodily-kinesthetic, logical-mathematical, linguistic (auditory), spatial (visual), interpersonal, and intrapersonal. For the purposes of martial arts, I will focus on three, though in some way all seven could be applied.
Every martial arts instructor has had some students who seem to learn better by explanation (auditory), while others learn better by repetition (kinesthetic), and still others learn by observation (visual). It is the responsibility of the instructor to know the learning style of his or her students and adapt the lesson to utilize the styles of those present.
For example, if I were teaching a group of six students how to do a proper side kick, it would help to know that Jennie, Johnny, and Susan are auditory learners; while Billy, Bobby, and Carol are visual learners. If this is the case, would it make sense for me to do a couple of fast ones and tell them to keep doing them until they get it right? No, that method might only be appropriate for kinesthetic learners and would only serve to frustrate the class and make my job more difficult. For Jennie, Johnny, and Susan’s benefit I would explain in detail the position of my feet, hands, hips, shoulders, head, everything. For Billy, Bobby, and Carol’s benefit, I would break the technique down into many individual movements to ensure that they can see the details at each step. The following sections will break each of the three intelligences down to explain how students of each type can be most effectively taught.
Teaching Auditory Learners
To teach auditory learners, an instructor must present information orally, speaking clearly and loudly enough so that the entire class can hear easily. Auditory learners need specific directions, not just phrases such as “like I’m doing”, “this way”, or “the other way”. Exact wording must be used to most effectively communicate the task at hand. To test whether your wording would be appropriate for auditory learners, practice writing it down and giving it to a fellow instructor. If the wording is clear and concise, then the fellow instructor should easily be able to duplicate your movement.
Auditory learners will often ask questions and repeat the answers. This is their method of reinforcing the auditory response and should not be taken as being disrespectful – it is simply their way of retaining the information you have presented. This leads to some behavior that may seem inappropriate during practice time: Auditory learners tend to talk out loud during, or instead or, physical practice. This can be disruptive to that student’s partner and to the class. If possible, try to pair auditory learners together so that they can verbally reinforce each other, but remind them to maintain a level of respect to those who simply “learn by doing”.
Teaching Kinesthetic Learners
In the traditional martial arts environment, kinesthetic learners should be the easiest to teach, because they learn by doing. However, an instructor must still meet the special needs of kinesthetic learners. An instructor should demonstrate the technique and have the students practice it until they begin to show proficiency. At this point, the instructor should explain the concept behind the technique and make corrections in form. The reason for this sequence is that kinesthetic learners cannot fully take in non-physical information until they have developed the technique as a reflexive movement.
An instructor needs to provide a variety of activities for kinesthetic learners. This may be done by including practice in the various aspects of the art in every workout. Providing variations on drills and combinations also keeps kinesthetic learners on task. During paired practice, changing partners frequently stimulated kinesthetic learners since they are then required to somewhat alter their techniques to suit their partner’s physical needs, such as skill level, height, and weight. Kinesthetic learners will also benefit from working with partners who already know the material. This is due to experiencing the techniques done correctly.
Kinesthetic learners have trouble staying still, so for their benefit an instructor should limit the length of lectures and explanations. An instructor should also accept that kinesthetic learners probably will keep moving during demonstration and may even copy the instructor’s moves in an attempt to learn the lesson. This motion is not a sign of disrespect – it is simply their way of retaining the information you have presented.
Teaching Visual Learners
To teach visual learners, an instructor must present information in a clearly and easily seen manner. This starts by arranging students in formations that allow all students, especially beginners, to see the instructor or another role model. An instructor may also use mirror imaging to help visual learners grasp new techniques.
During moving drills, an instructor should intersperse advanced students throughout the beginner’s ranks so beginners can easily see the techniques performed by someone with more experience. During partner drills, visual learners may need to change their physical position to be able to see better and to match their orientation with that of the instructor. This is also true during demonstrations and again, this motion is not a sign of disrespect – it is simply their way of retaining the information you have presented.
An instructor’s primary function is to pass along information and students are there to receive it. However, when there are gaps in the communication lines between instructor and student, this is not always possible. This link contains a short questionnaire that can be given to students as well as an explanation as to how it can be used to determine their dominant method of learning.
Regardless of a student’s dominant learning type, the other types of learning should not be ignored since people are usually a combination of all seven. However, by knowing the dominant learning type of each student and understanding what is required to teach students of that learning type, instructors can be more effective in performing their primary function, but not without a lot of hard work. Adjusting one’s teaching methods can be a major undertaking, but just as muscle flexibility is a achieved through dedication and hard work, so is instructional flexibility. The final result will be more skillful students and more successful instructors.
Father, Brother, Son; Martial Artist, Tech Geek, Blogger; Unschooler, Liberal, Environmentalist; MBA, DTM, PMP...
Thursday, July 10, 2008
Tuesday, July 08, 2008
How to Choose a Martial Arts School
I'm often asked by people who have no martial arts experience to recommend a school to them. What I tell them is that there is no one "best" school and that they should look for one that will best meet their needs.
If you're considering starting martial arts training I encourage you to visit several schools before making a commit to any one and be sure and go at the same time you'll want to take class. This will make sure that the school's schedule is compatible with yours. It'll also give you the opportunity to see how your class (should you choose to train there) will be run. Many schools advertise based on the skill and experience of the owner, but it's someone completely different who actually does the teaching. Honestly, who cares if the owner is a 10th degree black belt with 50 years of experience if the guy teaching your class is a 19-year old who just got his black belt last month?
It also gives you a chance to understand the communication style of the instructor. Some instructors are very good at explaining techniques with specific language. Others just say, "Do this." A better way to explain a technique (in this case, a knife-hand guarding block) is, "Fingers straight and tight, thumb tucked in, wrist straight, first knuckles of front hand at eye level, front hand palm down at 45 degrees, front elbow bent at 90 degrees and in front of the ribs, back hand palm up and one inch from the solar plexus." It should be obvious that students of the "do this" instructor may not grasp the nuances of the technique because to a beginner just having the proper hand in front may seem right. It's more than audible, though, a good instructor will also demonstrate proper technique (visual) and adjust the positions of people who don't have it quite right (kinesthetic). Just shouting out command is not teaching, it's drilling.
Visiting a class will also give you an idea of what the school's primary objective is. Many schools focus on reactive discipline and cardiovascular exercise. If the class seems to be primarily one-way communication (very few questions and little opportunity for them), that may be an indication that the school's view of discipline is akin to "blind obedience." Good instructors encourage questions and answer them in a respectful way. It may also be that the instructor thinks a "good workout" is one in which a lot of sweat is excreted. If your goal is to learn a martial art, you shouldn't necessarily get a great cardio workout in every class. Another way this can manifest itself is based on what the instructor wants the students to do well. If an instructor is willing to overlook sloppy technique, but will have the students repeat their yell of "YES, SIR!!" over and over again, then it should be a sign that the instructor is more interested in reactive discipline than proper technique.
Cost is another issue, so be sure and ask not only about what the tuition is but whether there are testing fees. Some schools charge what seems like reasonable tuition, but outrageous testing fees. The idea is that once you're committed, you won't balk because you want that next rank. The fees may also be a function of the rank, so be sure and ask about that, too. The testing fee for gold belt could be $20 (not bad since the belt could cost that much), while the testing fee for black belt could be hundreds. Saving $100 per month on tuition doesn't help you if you lose that much (and more) to testing fees. Testing fees also create a conflict of interest for the school since it may be perceived that students are being tested before they're ready just to collect the fee. Know your budget and what you can afford. A good martial arts school is going to cost a lot more than a gym membership, but the rewards should also be much greater.
Please don't take this as a "right" and "wrong" dichotomy. If what you want in your training is a lot of sweating and yelling and high energy, then such a school may be just what you need. However, you'll be disappointed if you think you're learning a martial art, but what you're really doing is Tae-Bo or cardio-karate. Visit schools, talk to the instructors and other students, but most importantly think hard about what you want to get out of the experience. It only after you really know what you want can you effectively seek it... It may seem like an ancient Chinese saying, but the truth is that no path is wrong if you don't know your destination...
If you're considering starting martial arts training I encourage you to visit several schools before making a commit to any one and be sure and go at the same time you'll want to take class. This will make sure that the school's schedule is compatible with yours. It'll also give you the opportunity to see how your class (should you choose to train there) will be run. Many schools advertise based on the skill and experience of the owner, but it's someone completely different who actually does the teaching. Honestly, who cares if the owner is a 10th degree black belt with 50 years of experience if the guy teaching your class is a 19-year old who just got his black belt last month?
It also gives you a chance to understand the communication style of the instructor. Some instructors are very good at explaining techniques with specific language. Others just say, "Do this." A better way to explain a technique (in this case, a knife-hand guarding block) is, "Fingers straight and tight, thumb tucked in, wrist straight, first knuckles of front hand at eye level, front hand palm down at 45 degrees, front elbow bent at 90 degrees and in front of the ribs, back hand palm up and one inch from the solar plexus." It should be obvious that students of the "do this" instructor may not grasp the nuances of the technique because to a beginner just having the proper hand in front may seem right. It's more than audible, though, a good instructor will also demonstrate proper technique (visual) and adjust the positions of people who don't have it quite right (kinesthetic). Just shouting out command is not teaching, it's drilling.
Visiting a class will also give you an idea of what the school's primary objective is. Many schools focus on reactive discipline and cardiovascular exercise. If the class seems to be primarily one-way communication (very few questions and little opportunity for them), that may be an indication that the school's view of discipline is akin to "blind obedience." Good instructors encourage questions and answer them in a respectful way. It may also be that the instructor thinks a "good workout" is one in which a lot of sweat is excreted. If your goal is to learn a martial art, you shouldn't necessarily get a great cardio workout in every class. Another way this can manifest itself is based on what the instructor wants the students to do well. If an instructor is willing to overlook sloppy technique, but will have the students repeat their yell of "YES, SIR!!" over and over again, then it should be a sign that the instructor is more interested in reactive discipline than proper technique.
Cost is another issue, so be sure and ask not only about what the tuition is but whether there are testing fees. Some schools charge what seems like reasonable tuition, but outrageous testing fees. The idea is that once you're committed, you won't balk because you want that next rank. The fees may also be a function of the rank, so be sure and ask about that, too. The testing fee for gold belt could be $20 (not bad since the belt could cost that much), while the testing fee for black belt could be hundreds. Saving $100 per month on tuition doesn't help you if you lose that much (and more) to testing fees. Testing fees also create a conflict of interest for the school since it may be perceived that students are being tested before they're ready just to collect the fee. Know your budget and what you can afford. A good martial arts school is going to cost a lot more than a gym membership, but the rewards should also be much greater.
Please don't take this as a "right" and "wrong" dichotomy. If what you want in your training is a lot of sweating and yelling and high energy, then such a school may be just what you need. However, you'll be disappointed if you think you're learning a martial art, but what you're really doing is Tae-Bo or cardio-karate. Visit schools, talk to the instructors and other students, but most importantly think hard about what you want to get out of the experience. It only after you really know what you want can you effectively seek it... It may seem like an ancient Chinese saying, but the truth is that no path is wrong if you don't know your destination...
Thursday, July 03, 2008
Moving On
It has been a long time since I posted. Not long after my last post I started getting involved more closely with Grandmaster Choi and was helping him with his web site. I was hoping to leverage my experience in web development and business to turn the site into a great marketing tool for the school and a great educational resource for the students.
Unfortunately, Grandmaster Choi didn't want suggestions. He wanted someone to do exactly what he wanted, when he wanted, no questions asked... It made going to the school VERY stressful. Every time I'd walk in, he'd have something he'd want changed...yesterday. I did make some suggestions and proposed some changes to him by showing what the site would look like and asking his permission to go ahead. I thought I had it and he understood what to expect, but several times got panicked calls from other students who were involved about how the site is "all messed up."
All this time I was teaching regularly and taking private lessons. My class seemed to be going great! One day last November I came in and was told that "everyone" was complaining about me and that someone else would be taking over my class. The way he did this, right before class and in front of all the students, was (in my opinion) very disrespectful. Who "everyone" was I couldn't tell you because those who took my class regularly had nothing but positive feedback. The way I was teaching last November was almost exactly the way I had been teaching for over a year, and exactly the way I taught when Grandmaster Choi was watching over me like a hawk and calling me "one of his best instructors." (I'm sure I did some things different from the other instructors and I'll likely comment on those in another post.) Anyway, after being treated with such disrespect, I knew I'd never be able to train there again. To this day, I have no idea what the real reasons were for my receiving such treatment, but am glad that I'm moving on...
When I started training in Isshinryu Karate in 1991 in Rochester, NY (http://www.rochesterkarate.com/) I was a student at RIT. Martial arts was my escape from the pressures of school. Sensei Matt Dorsey, and the other great instructors he has working with him, understood this. In 1996, I graduated with honors from RIT with a B.S. in computer engineering. The focus and dedication it took for me to do that was, in no small part, a result of my training with Sensei Dorsey. A "black belt" was not just something I got to wear about my waist, it was something I'd become. I will be forever grateful to Sensei Dorsey for this.
Training with Grandmaster Choi started out in a simlilar way. It was a great stress reliever and something I really looked forward to doing. I was learning a lot (especially having switched styles from Isshinryu to TKD) and really enjoying it! The problem was that as I got higher in rank, I also got closer to Grandmaster Choi. Normally, I'd say it's a good thing being closer to one's instructor. (One of my only regrets about my time in Rochester was that I wasn't able to get to know the folks there on a more personal level. I was either VERY busy with school, or out of town for vacation.) One of the other black belts at GM Choi's school (I won't name names) likened him to a flame. He said that it may seem like a good idea to get close, but you'll definintely get burned if you get too close. That should have been a warning...
A couple of months ago, I started training with a group of other Intel folks in the gym on Intel's Ocotillo campus. The classes are run by a VERY experienced TKD practitioner named Jeff Nelson, who is everything a great martial arts teacher should be! These classes have reminded me why I love martial arts training, so I hope to be posting more regularly now that I'm back to training more regularly... Thank you!!
Unfortunately, Grandmaster Choi didn't want suggestions. He wanted someone to do exactly what he wanted, when he wanted, no questions asked... It made going to the school VERY stressful. Every time I'd walk in, he'd have something he'd want changed...yesterday. I did make some suggestions and proposed some changes to him by showing what the site would look like and asking his permission to go ahead. I thought I had it and he understood what to expect, but several times got panicked calls from other students who were involved about how the site is "all messed up."
All this time I was teaching regularly and taking private lessons. My class seemed to be going great! One day last November I came in and was told that "everyone" was complaining about me and that someone else would be taking over my class. The way he did this, right before class and in front of all the students, was (in my opinion) very disrespectful. Who "everyone" was I couldn't tell you because those who took my class regularly had nothing but positive feedback. The way I was teaching last November was almost exactly the way I had been teaching for over a year, and exactly the way I taught when Grandmaster Choi was watching over me like a hawk and calling me "one of his best instructors." (I'm sure I did some things different from the other instructors and I'll likely comment on those in another post.) Anyway, after being treated with such disrespect, I knew I'd never be able to train there again. To this day, I have no idea what the real reasons were for my receiving such treatment, but am glad that I'm moving on...
When I started training in Isshinryu Karate in 1991 in Rochester, NY (http://www.rochesterkarate.com/) I was a student at RIT. Martial arts was my escape from the pressures of school. Sensei Matt Dorsey, and the other great instructors he has working with him, understood this. In 1996, I graduated with honors from RIT with a B.S. in computer engineering. The focus and dedication it took for me to do that was, in no small part, a result of my training with Sensei Dorsey. A "black belt" was not just something I got to wear about my waist, it was something I'd become. I will be forever grateful to Sensei Dorsey for this.
Training with Grandmaster Choi started out in a simlilar way. It was a great stress reliever and something I really looked forward to doing. I was learning a lot (especially having switched styles from Isshinryu to TKD) and really enjoying it! The problem was that as I got higher in rank, I also got closer to Grandmaster Choi. Normally, I'd say it's a good thing being closer to one's instructor. (One of my only regrets about my time in Rochester was that I wasn't able to get to know the folks there on a more personal level. I was either VERY busy with school, or out of town for vacation.) One of the other black belts at GM Choi's school (I won't name names) likened him to a flame. He said that it may seem like a good idea to get close, but you'll definintely get burned if you get too close. That should have been a warning...
A couple of months ago, I started training with a group of other Intel folks in the gym on Intel's Ocotillo campus. The classes are run by a VERY experienced TKD practitioner named Jeff Nelson, who is everything a great martial arts teacher should be! These classes have reminded me why I love martial arts training, so I hope to be posting more regularly now that I'm back to training more regularly... Thank you!!
Practice What I Preach
In order to ensure that my readers know that I practice what I preach I've started posting my speeches on YouTube. As of this writing, you'll find both my Toastmasters Ice Breaker speech and my speech in the Fall 2007 Gila Division Humorous speech contest. They are at http://www.youtube.com/user/mattdtm. In the future, I'll be posting more speeches and portions of the presentation skills class I teach...
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