In my previous post, I promised a follow-up and here it is! I presented yesterday and it went very well. There were a couple of mishaps, but nothing devastating. The photos are courtesy of Veronique Kuiatse. Here's a picture of the room while I was being introduced:
This is where the first mishap took place. The Toastmaster deviated from my written introduction slightly. Here's what I wrote:
Our next speaker is Matt Jones, a manager in the Platform Components Group. In his six-plus years with Chipmasters Toastmasters club, Matt has earned the Distinguished Toastmaster award twice, served two years as a club officer, including a year as club president, and been mentor to the current and a former president. Matt has also served as our Area Governor, our District Secretary, and is currently our Division Governor. In his speech titled "The Hidden Benefits of Diversity," Matt will share the story of his evolution from a young Connecticut Yankee to a man of the world, and how communication has been the key to making it happen. Please help me welcome, Matt
She added some impromptu comments, then mistakenly referred to me as "District Governor" even though my proper title is "Division Governor." That happens all the time, actually, so it was no big deal. I was probably the only person in the audience who noticed. Here's a still as I was getting started:
This is when the second mishap took place. The person advancing the slides had my script, but didn't realize that my first slide was the title slide so she was one ahead. I caught this, but spent the rest of the presentation glancing back to make sure it didn't happen again. Here's the video:
Brian Carson, the club's President, was the videographer. Brian has his own video production company, Dream Catcher Video Productions, and is very good. Brian recorded my 30-Year Old Virgin speech in the fall of 2007. You can hear him chuckling on that video, too. Here's a still as I'm sitting down.
The first speaker at the meeting was Paula Cooney, the Director of Strategic Employee Relations, reporting to Intel's VP of Human Resources, Patty Murray. During the closing minutes of the meeting, Brian presented Paula and me with "star" trophies of thanks.
Overall, it was a great experience. I was honored to be asked to speak at the club's 20th anniversary and hope to be around to speak at the club's 40th.
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