Brandi and I were out of coffee and I was going to Whole Foods anyway, so I thought we'd try something new. I was in the mood for a light roast, and the Organic Mexican Zaragoza Select caught my eye:
The barista behind the counter said, "Going for the good stuff, huh?" I replied, "We'll see..." since I'd never had it before and the last time I had Mexican coffee (in Mexico), I decided that Jacqueline could use the rest of the beans for potions...
She said that ALL the baristas drink that blend and she HAS to have some every morning. I figure that's high praise. A barista at Whole Foods is probably as much of a coffee snob as I am, so I put about eight tablespoons of beans (two four-cup pots) in a bag. Before I could leave the counter, though, she insisted that I try it and brewed me a sample. It was worth the extra couple of minutes.
When I got it home and showed Brandi the photos, she said "Uh, Mexican..." probably remembering the same incident from our trip. I told her what the barista said, so she agreed to give it a try. It IS very good. We had the first pot last night and I'm brewing the second pot now. Highly recommended...
It is good; very smooth taste for a light roast. I usually prefer darker roasts but this one is a keeper! Must not be sold in the grocery store where we picked up beans in Mexico last time we were there...
I bought those beans at a gas station convenience store...should have known better...
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