Most martial arts have some kind of forms or patterns as part of the system. I learned many kata in Isshinryu and Kenpo, and many hyung in Taekwondo. I'm currently learning the basic form in Tai Chi class. During the learning process, it's natural (and necessary) to watch what someone else (usually the instructor) is doing. This is how visual learners learn. (I published a post on learning styles in 2008. You can find it here.) What do you do after you know the pattern?
Many martial arts training floors (in my experience) are walled, at least in part, by mirrors. I think this is very helpful to the learning process. I have often found myself unable to see what's going on except in reflection...and sometimes multiple reflections! The problem is that I find myself continuing to use the mirror even after I know the pattern. I'm not looking at the instructor, I'm looking at myself. Why?
Second, and more importantly, it means I'm more likely to be looking in the "right" direction as required by the form. Forms are supposed to simulate self-defense situations. This means that your eyes should be focused on where your imaginary attacker is, not off in the distance at your own reflection. Think about it: If you're practicing 15 feet from a mirror, and you're looking at yourself in that mirror, then you are focusing on an object that appears to be 30 feet away! This is not conducive to focusing on an attacker who is right in front of you.
If you're looking at the man in the mirror, then I'm asking you to change your ways. I don't think I can make this message any clearer. If you want to make your forms better, then take a look at yourself and make a change! (Apologies to Michael Jackson.) Thanks!
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