Sunday, April 05, 2009

Resolution Update


It's been a while since I posted an update to my progress, so here it is...

1) Get back into martial arts as a family activity. This is a work-in-progress. The kids aren't as into it as I'd hoped they would be, but I'm not about to push it. I'd rather them take just a few classes per month now and still be training in 10 years than have them burn-out before they're 10.

2) Successfully complete my courses at Thunderbird. I've actually completed a course since my last post, so I can claim some progress here. I've earned 10.5 out of 30 credit hours. This summer, I'll be taking another 1.5 hours. This fall and next spring will be tough; 9 hours each...

3) Establish better communication with friends and family. My main idea for this is my blog. This is my 55th post this year. That's just over four in seven days, which was my goal. I've also started using Facebook, though I still don't use it very effectively. Since "family" also includes the three other people with whom I live, I'd say we're doing VERY well. Brandi and I have made a concerted effort to improved communication with the kids and it's really improved our relationship.

4) Establish and maintain good exercise and financial habits. While our financial habits have improved tremendously thanks to YNAB, I have to admit that I'm sliding back with respect to exercise. I've walked the dog every day, but haven't been doing much else other than TKD. Unfortunately, martial arts training isn't the workout it used to be. I need to get back into the habit of at least doing something every day.

Until next time...

Take care!

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