I wrote a post introducing Hissy and Chippy in January. I figured it's about time I start introducing our real pets. (We don't actually "pet" the roaches.) We have three dogs -- Oscar, Casanova, and Bluebell. Oscar, a retired racing greyhound, was Brandi's birthday/Christmas present in 2007. We adopted him from Arizona Adopt A Greyhound, which operates out of the Phoenix Greyhound Park. During his career, Jo-EZ Oscar H, had over 50 top-four finishes and nine wins. He was retired after pulling his groin muscle. Here's a recent picture of Oscar:

His race weight was 73 pounds and he still weighs around that now. (We should all be able to maintain our weight so well after retirement.) He's still pretty fast. He reached 28mph at an event at PGP last November and that was a short run they'd setup for that purpose.
Our other two dogs are technically still puppies. We adopted them one year ago this weekend from Gentle Giants Rescue in Southern California. GGR is owned by Tracy and Burt Ward and they bring dogs from all over the country to their place. (Burt was Robin in the original Batman TV series. He may have been a superhero on TV decades ago, but now he's a superhero in real life.)
Our plan was to adopt a dog as a companion for Oscar, but after we got there we decided to let each kid pick a puppy. Jacqueline picked Bluebell:

She wanted a "girl dog" and Bluebell was the first such dog through the gate. At the time, Bluebell was too young to be fixed. This meant that Joshua had to pick either another female, or a male who was already fixed. Tracy recommended Casanova and Joshua agreed:

Bluebell, who will be two in November, and Casanova, who will be two in August, are borzoi. A "classic" borzoi has really long hair. Bluebell is a short-hair and Casanova is a medium-hair, so they don't have that classic "long-haired greyhound" look. Bluebell is very rambunctious and Casanova is the sweetest dog I've ever met. They play in the yard together and can both run like the wind. The above picture doesn't really capture Casanova's size, so here's one taken last August:

He had just been groomed and we were about to go swimming. Casanova is now slightly taller than Oscar and Bluebell is a bit shorter. Both weigh less than Oscar, though, but we expect Casanova to be the heaviest when he's full-grown. They've been a great addition to the family...
Take care!
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