Thursday, May 07, 2009

My Uniforms


For someone who is not in the military, I spend a lot of time in uniform. Not just as a martial artist, but in every role I play. I recently started thinking of a "uniform" as something I wear to fit in. Based on that description, I wear a uniform to work and which uniform I wear depends on the group in which I want to fit.

For example, when I need to be "Matt Jones, Intel Manager" I'll wear a pair of my Haggar pants, a button-down shirt, and my Rockport shoes with dress socks. Today, I taught a Perl class so I needed to be "Matt Jones, Computer Programmer." That uniform is easy: jean shorts, a t-shirt, and sneakers. On Monday, I'll be "Matt Jones, Distinguished Toastmaster" when I teach Presentation Skills. Not surprisingly, this uniform is very similar to my manager's uniform.

I don't think there's anything wrong with this. When I teach Presentation Skills, I tell the class to dress according to the expectations of their audience. If they're not sure, then err on the side of being overdressed. It's easy to take off a tie, if you're wearing one. The bottom line is that I don't mind being in uniform when it's appropriate. What I won't do, though, is let the uniform define who I am...


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