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Monday, May 25, 2009
Shima Igiri Bo I
Shimi Igiri Bo I is the second bo kata in the Okinawan weapons curriculum. A rough step-by-step description of the moves is below, though it is in no way a substitute for qualified instruction. The letters in parenthesis indicate the direction (assuming start is north) one should be facing in the stance. Assume it doesn't change until the next indication.
Feet together, bo on right shoulder
LF step out, horse stance, down block
Look left, LFF cat stance (W), angled overhead block, overhead strike
LFF front stance, thrusting strike
Look right, RFF cat stance (E), angled overhead block, overhead strike
RFF front stance, thrusting strike
Pivot left, LFF front stance (N), LHF low strike
RF step forward, RFF front stance, left side strike
Drop to back knee, high reverse strike
LF step up, feet together, bo on left side
Grab bo with RH, LF step out, horse stance, switch bo to right side
Left side strike, reverse strike
LF step forward, LFF front stance, LHF uppercut (end with left arm behind head)
RF front kick (strike the bo), LF behind into crane stance, RHF overhead strike
Shuffle forward, RFF front stance, thrusting strike
Turn left, switch hands, LFF front stance (SE), push block, overhead strike
Lift LF, clear (swinging reverse strike), LFF front stance, reverse strike
Overhead strike, thrusting strike
Turn right, switch hands, RFF front stance (SW), push block, overhead strike
Lift RF, clear (swinging reverse strike), RFF front stance, reverse strike
Overhead strike, thrusting strike
Turn left, step forward, LFF front stance (S), LHF ankle strike
Step forward, RFF front stance, side strike
Thrusting strike to the throat, backward thrusting strike to the ankle
Left foot back, RFF cat stance (NE), LH high low block
Right foot back, LFF cat stance (NW), RH high low block
Left foot step up, feet together (N), bo on right shoulder
Left hand to belt, bow
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