It's been a while since I posted an update to my progress, so here it is... Unfortunately, it's mostly no news or bad news.
1) Get back into martial arts as a family activity. This is still a work-in-progress, but the last few weeks have been even harder than usual. I've been sick for about a month and haven't been training. I hope to go back tomorrow, but won't be able to push it. This has, of course and unfortunately, affected my exercise goals, too.
2) Successfully complete my courses at Thunderbird. Nothing new here. My Global Financial Management course doesn't start until July.
3) Establish better communication with friends and family. My main idea for this is my blog. This is my 77th post this year. That's just under four in seven days, which was my goal. I'm going to keep up with the blog, but still feel that Facebook is doing a pretty good job of meeting that goal. Not all of my real friends are also virtual friends, so I've still got work to do...
4) Establish and maintain good exercise and financial habits. This one has not just been a struggle because I've been sick, but also because Brandi is on crutches. She's got a broken bone in her left foot/ankle and can't put any weight on it. She's had problems with this foot in the past and has never really felt like it had healed properly. With her mostly out of action, I've had to pick up most of the slack. This is leading us to eat out more. Fortunately, we understand out budget a lot better and can shift money around to ensure we're not going to get into trouble. Good financial habits not only help in the long-term, but also give one some short-term flexibility when the going gets tough.
I hope that the going gets easier soon. Until next time...
Take care!
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