Wednesday, June 17, 2009

PM_CoP Presentation


Yesterday, I presented (twice) to the Intel Project Management Community of Practice Forum. I presented twice because there is a 7am meeting and a 4pm meeting. This allows project managers all of the world to attend one or the other during regular business hours, or at least pretty close to them.

The title of my presentation was "Better Decisions, Fewer Meetings, and Less Stress." It was about improving communication. Many people think of "presentation skills" and "communication skills" as being interchangeable terms. My contention is that presentation skills is a sub-set of communication skills and that skill in the former does not imply skill in the latter.

Being a skilled communicator, which is a requirement if one wants to be a skilled project manager, is knowing when presentation skills are needed, when writing skills are needed, and when interpersonal skills are needed. Holding a meeting and calling for presenters isn't always (or even often) the best choice.

I can't post the materials because they're Intel Confidential. Suffice it to say (or write), that I have been and will be blogging about many of the ideas I presented for a while. Stay tuned...

Take care!

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