Friday, June 19, 2009

Wasting Food


I used to believe that the opposite of wasting food was eating food. I no longer believe that. Ever since I started getting serious about getting in shape, I've had to reconsider many of my long-held beliefs. This is one. I was often told that everything had to be eaten so that it didn't "go to waste." Of course, when it was, then it actually "went to waist," my waist that is... Honestly, what's more wasteful? Throwing food out or eating it when you're not hungry? Of course, if you choose not to eat it, you can always save it for when you are hungry. Cooking too much knowing it'll lead to leftovers is one thing; cooking too much knowing it'll lead to overeating is quite another. I challenge you, my faithful reader(s), to do only the former. That's my goal!


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